Turn Player Feedback into Game-Changing Insights with Gameplainer!

Easily monitor online stores, forums, and social media for reviews and commentary for your video games.

Gameplainer instantly brings you user reviews from Steam, Meta Quest, Xbox, Microsoft Store, and the Apple App Store,

and monitor mentions on social sites such as Reddit and YouTube.

📝 Reviews where you need them

React to reviews as soon as they're posted to Steam, Meta Quest, Microsoft, Apple, Viveport, and Metacritic. Optionally hide negative reviews behind spoiler tags

Reviews from Steam, Meta, Microsoft and more straight to your Discord
🚀 Real time Reddit

Get posts or comments about your game as soon as they are posted, monitor an entire subreddit for new posts or comments, and get all comments from specific users.

⏱ Social monitoring made simple

Reddit, YouTube posts, Google alerts, all brought to your Discord super fast. No more hunting through dozens of browser tabs every day

Twitter, Reddit, YouTube posts, Google alerts, all brought to your Discord super fast. No more hunting through dozens of tabs every day
🤖 Super bot functionality

Like a video found by Gameplainer? React with an emoji and it can be automatically forwarded to another channel or even another Discord Server. Great for easily sharing content with your community!

📈 Twitch and Steam Broadcasts

Find out as soon as someone is streaming your game, including how many viewers are currently tuned in.

Find out as soon as someone is streaming your game, including how many viewers are currently tuned in.
🔥 Plenty of filters

Easily hide comments mentioning words, posts from specific users, or streams by specific accounts.

Get started today 🙌

Add Gameplainer to your Discord Server, and you'll be up and running in seconds!