$35.0/ month
14 day free trial
- 1 game included (add more for $20.0/month each)
- 3 brand searches included X/Twitter, Reddit, YouTube etc
- Daily notifications
- -Import reviews from Steam, Xbox, Meta Quest, or Itch.io
- -Notifications of Steam Forum posts
- -YouTube & BlueSky monitoring
- -Get Twitch alerts when streamers play your game
$60.0/ month
14 day free trial
- 3 games included (add more for $20.0/month each)
- 10 brand searches included X/Twitter, Reddit, YouTube etc
- Hourly notifications
- -Everything in Indie, plus:
- -Track reviews across 3 games
- -Monitor review sentiment & changes
- -Reddit, X/Twitter monitoring
$120.0/ month
14 day free trial
- 10 games included (add more for $20.0/month each)
- 30 brand searches included X/Twitter, Reddit, YouTube etc
- Up to the minute notifications
- -Everything in Pro, plus:
- -Track up to 10 games with advanced social monitoring
- -Dedicated support
- -Instant alerts & real-time insights