Gameplainer API Back

December 9, 2024

Overview helps you monitor mentions of your brand or product across popular social platforms, including Reddit, BlueSky, X (formerly Twitter), YouTube, and Google Alerts.

With the Gameplainer API, you can seamlessly access these mentions via web requests, making it easy to integrate real-time brand monitoring into your custom dashboards, analytics tools, customer support systems, or any other application.

Getting started

  1. Sign into Gameplainer ( with a Discord account
  2. Once logged in, you’ll be asked to create a search for a game. You can skip this for now by clicking on the ‘skip’ button
  3. Go to your user settings page, and scroll down to API Key settings, and click the “Generate API Key” button API Key settings - push the button to get an API key
  4. Once you’ve created an API Key, it will be displayed on the page
    API Key settings - displaying an API Key

  5. Click “Copy” and it’ll be copied to your clipboard



All queries need a valid API Key, which must be passed as a header parameter as shown in the examples for each of the end points.

Endpoint: Query/Create

Create a new search for Gameplainer to find mentions on a variety of sources, including Twitter (X), BlueSky, and Reddit.

Each search is limited to one source, so if you want to create multiple sources, you’ll need to create multiple searches.

Searches are processed by Gameplainer at a frequency based on your account level.


Name Required Values Description
type Required reddit, twitter, youtube, bluesky, google_alert
search Required string value, maximum 400 characters
follower_filter optional Integer, greater than 0
frequency optional minute, hour, day
search_mentions optional true, false Used for Twitter/X searches: if specified, the value in search will be used as a username, and the returned data from the query will be mentions of that username
exact_search_required optional true, false Used for Twitter/X searches. If specified, exact string literals will be needed in tweets
reddit_search_type Required if type reddit, otherwise not used posts, comments
mute_subreddits optional comma separated list of subreddits without the r/ prefix
subreddits optional comma separated list of subreddits without the r/ prefix

Example use

curl -X GET "" \
   -H "Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY"
curl -X GET "" \
   -H "Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY"

Example Response

    "success": true,
    "data": [
        "id": "12tdYL",
        "type": "reddit",
        "search": "twister",
        "followers_filter": 30,
        "frequency": "hour",
        "search_mentions": false,
        "exact_search_required": null,
        "reddit_search_type": "new",
        "mute_subreddits": null,
        "subreddits": null,
        "results_total": 0,
        "last_searched": null
{"success": false, "error":"Invalid API key"}

Endpoint: Query/List

This will return all searches for a given API key. There are no parameters



Example use

curl -X GET "" \
   -H "Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY"

Example response

    "success": true,
    "data": [
        "id": "vPt3Or",
        "type": "reddit",
        "search": "twister",
        "followers_filter": null,
        "frequency": "hour",
        "search_mentions": false,
        "exact_search_required": null,
        "reddit_search_type": "comments",
        "mute_subreddits": "noisysubbredditexample, freeindiegames",
        "subreddits": null,
        "results_total": 19,
        "last_searched": 1733692122
        "id": "KqtWmJ",
        "type": "youtube",
        "search": "twister",
        "followers_filter": null,
        "frequency": "hour",
        "search_mentions": false,
        "exact_search_required": null,
        "reddit_search_type": null,
        "mute_subreddits": null,
        "subreddits": null,
        "results_total": 110,
        "last_searched": 1733692120

Endpoint: Query/Search

Returns a json string containing results matching your searches

This will return all searches for a given API key. There are no parameters


Name Required Values Description
type optional reddit, twitter, youtube, bluesky, google_alerts If not specified, results returned will not be filtered by source
start_date optional A timestamp in Unix Time integer format (eg 2024-12-08 14:01:17 UTC is 1733666480) If specified, only results found by Gameplainer from this time will be returned
end_date optional A timestamp in Unix Time integer format (eg 2024-12-08 14:01:17 UTC is 1733666480) If specified, only results found by Gameplainer until this time will be returned
start_after optional a hash key of six alpha characters, eg KaMiZG Allows paging through results sets if more than 50 results are found
num_per_page optional an integer between 1 and 50 If specified, only this many items will be returned per query. By default this will be 50

Example use

curl -X GET "" \
-H "Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY"

Example response

    "success": true,
    "data": [
        "id": "Gxi0WE",
        "datetime": "2024-12-09T08:26:18.571Z",
        "source": "bluesky",
        "source_id": "at://did:plc:lzwscnvcbkpdytcjvsixfyar/",
        "sub_type": null,
        "url": "",
        "user_name": "",
        "title": "Post",
        "body": "Things I learned at the Nintendo Museum today:\n\nNintendo published Twister in Japan.\n\nThe OG DS looks exactly like some of the old Game and Watches. \n\nNintendo made a physical Duck Hunt game a decade before the NES one. \n\nNintendos first big hit toy was the ultra hand, a grabber.",
        "rating": null,
        "comments": "1",
        "followers": "950",
        "language": null,
        "nsfw": null,
        "image_thumbnail_url": null,
        "response_recommended": false,
        "response_text": null,
        "response_language": null
        "id": "XPipEp",
        "datetime": "2024-12-08T08:00:39.000Z",
        "source": "youtube",
        "source_id": "nxRA-qIk160",
        "sub_type": null,
        "url": "",
        "user_name": "MrNotBad (1.33M subscribers)",
        "title": "We Crafted Cool DIY Automatic Wire Twister",
        "body": "",
        "rating": null,
        "comments": null,
        "followers": "1330000",
        "language": null,
        "nsfw": null,
        "image_thumbnail_url": null,
        "response_recommended": false,
        "response_text": null,
        "response_language": null