Gameplainer includes five core features designed to help monitor Reddit.
Phrase search: When searching for new posts or comments, you can use quotes for multiple words such as "Space Pirate Trainer"
, so only results that contain the exact sequence of words are returned (thus preventing "there are trainer pirates in Space!" from being found).
Exact search: You can select a checkbox to ensure that the exact phrase is found, punctuation included (eg "Bob Burgers" won't return "Bob's Burgers")
Negative word searches: You can also use negative word searches, to ensure that the word is not found in a post or comment. This is simply done by using a hyphen before the word, for example "Space Pirate Trainer" -Dogs
, now any post or comment that has the word "Dogs" in it will be ignored by Gameplainer.
I use negative word searches a bunch for one of our other games, Shredders - to ensure that posts or comments that include "Shredders" don't include "Ninja Turtles".
You can limit your searches to specific subreddits, or even mute comments or posts from specific subreddits.
For our VR titles, I usually list a bunch of VR specific Subreddits, and often put in key-reseller subreddits into the Muted subreddits (I never want to see these, they're noisy and annoying!)
You can also mute specific users - specifically perhaps there's a super spammy community member you'd rather not appearing in your Discord - or more likely - you don't want your own content appearing in the Discord. Just throw the username into the Social filter section and away you go!
The example below prevents posts by chrishanney
from appearing in results returned by Gameplainer. Take that, Chris Hanney 😅